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BILECO conducts another electricians’ accreditation for 2022

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BILECO once again conducted an accreditation for electricians practicing within its franchise area today 22 November 2022 at the coop’s Solidarity Hall of the main office building in Brgy. Caraycaray, Naval, the second time around this year after the first one was done last June 10th.

The purpose of the activity is to accredit new barangay electricians in the province and to re-accredit the practicing ones. This is mandatory for them to ensure a safe and effective process in performing house wiring installations and in compliance to the standards set forth in the Philippine Electrical Code.

The accreditation was composed of discussions about electrical safety, electricians’ policy, and tariff. Also, they were shown how to properly perform meter and service dropping installations. After the discussions and tutorials, written and practical examinations were given to them.

Those who will pass the accreditation will automatically become a member of BILECO League of Accredited & Skilled Electricians or BLAZE.##

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