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Power Bloc voices importance of electrification in COVID response measures during DOE budget briefing

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By: One ECMCO Movement

Power Bloc Party-list Representatives from PHILRECA, APEC, Ako Padayon Pilipino, and RECOBODA gathered in full force during the House Committee on Appropriations hearing on the budget allocation of the Department of Energy and its attached agencies and the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) today, September 7.

The importance of electricity in our day-to-day lives has been magnified in this time of pandemic. As most of our transactions have transitioned online, it is only fitting that we prioritize the energy sector in the government’s response to COVID-19 as we tackle the national budget for FY 2021.

First to interpellate from the Power Bloc is APEC Party-list Representative Sergio Dagooc. He expressed his dismay on the significant decrease in the allocated budget of the National Electrification Administration and the Energy Regulatory Commission. He manifested that the budget of these agencies should be restored.

“Ang dami pa nating kababayan na hindi pa nakakakita ng ilaw, kaya paano sila makakasunod sa online education? Kaya nananawagan ako sa DBM, in behalf of the Filipino people, restore the budget for electrification, for line enhancement, and especially for personnel services to better facilitate electrification,” Rep. Dagooc said.

RECOBODA Party-list Godofredo Guya interpellated the Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi. Rep. Guya sought clarification on the Department Circular No. 2020-04-00080 issued by DOE which allows for the utilization of ER 1-94 funds to aid the host LGUs in combating COVID-19. Rep. Guya called on Sec. Cusi to take into consideration the situation of the electric cooperatives (ECs) and its member-consumer-owners (MCOs) who have also suffered the financial and operational onslaughts of this pandemic. He reiterated that the Power Bloc recognizes the efforts of DOE to help our country in this pandemic, yet, emphasized that this should be encompassing.

“This Representation observes that the DOE might have unintentionally missed to put into consideration that the delineation of ER 1-94 funds will have an adverse effect on the ongoing projects of electric cooperatives (ECs), Rep. Guya added.

PHILRECA Representative Presley De Jesus during his manifestation stressed the need to strengthen the Sitio Electrification Program in order to reach out and support the electricity demand of citizens even in the far-flung and unviable areas. The solon highlighted the significance of the Rural Electrification Program for the rural communities not to be left behind as the rest of the country takes advantage of virtual transactions and online classes during this pandemic.

“Kung walang kuryente sa mga sitio, especially for the far flung barangays, paano sila matuto especially with this pandemic?” Rep. De Jesus added.

Ako Padayon Pilipino Representative Adriano A. Ebcas emphasized in his manifestation the need for DOE’s support for a more holistic approach in mitigating the effects of this crisis. The legislator added that it is imperative that we help each other to course through this health crisis and its financial and economic effects on the energy sector.

We need to lessen the burden of the electricity bills to the Filipinos and to provide incentives to the distribution utilities to assist in their operations and mission towards total electrification,” Rep. Ebcas said.

The concerns and issues voiced by the Power Bloc during the budget deliberations were put forward to protect the member-consumer-owners and electric cooperatives in these trying times. As representatives of the rural electrification sector, the Power Bloc recognizes the difficulty our consumers are facing today and will continue to push for measures to help the MCOs and ECs cope and recover as we continue to face this pandemic.

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