NEA News: Countdown to the 15-Million Mark on Consumer Connections Begins

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The National Electrification Administration (NEA) is highly optimistic in reaching the 15 Millionth
connection as this is a fulfillment of the Agency’s mandated mission of bringing electricity to the
countryside. Recent report on Consumer Connections shows that the number of consumers
served is now 14,969,035, only 30,965 consumers less to reach another milestone in the Rural
Electrification Program.

“The NEA, in partnership with the Electric Cooperatives, will continue to bring light and
hope to the people in the countryside”
, Administrator Emmanuel P. Juaneza said.

NEA Information Technology and Communication Services Department (ITCSD) will closely
monitor the status of consumer connections so as not to miss this momentous event.

During the first quarter of 2022, a total of 129,560 new consumer connections were served
representing 32% of the 400,000 targeted consumers for the year. This makes up nearly a third
of the target within the first three months of this year alone.

With this accomplishment, the level of total consumer connections has reached 14,969,035 or
91% of the identified potential connections. Clustered into the major islands, 46% of the total
connections or 6,990,614 are in Luzon, 27% or 3,969,748 are in Visayas and 27% or 4,008,673
are in Mindanao. About 1,287,305 or only 9% of the total potential consumers based on the 2015
Census of Population and Housing remains to be served. ###

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