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Ms. Ma. Regina Filoteo explained the mechanics of organizing an MCO.

NEA assists FRECOR 8 in consumer organization, empowerment program

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The National Electrification Administration conducted an orientation on member-consumer-owners (MCOs) empowerment program with the Region 8 electric cooperatives held on October 26, 2017 in Tacloban City.

The orientation was initiated by FRECOR 8 through the institutional services department managers in line with one of NEA Administrator Edgardo R. Masongsong’s 7-point agenda geared towards developing an empowerment program for the electric consumers.

The institutional managers who were the key persons to lead in the implementation of this program sought assistance from NEA on the mechanics of implementation, scheme of organization and the activities involved to accomplish the goal.

The resource persons Ms. Ma. Regina Filoteo and Ms. Claire Quetua of NEA Institutional Development Department, shared insights on how model electric coop, BUSECO, achieved the milestone as one of the precursors in consumer organization which led to empowered member-consumers fueling the success of the Coop.

Filoteo underscored that community organizing must start at the grassroots or barangay level where key officers shall be elected. A Board resolution confirming the appointment of the officers must be copy furnished to NEA.

She also stressed that all MCOs should be properly educated, organized and ready to be mobilized to get involved in all EC affairs which is the very essence of the empowerment program. This, according to her, is very crucial as it will determine the success of EC affairs like the annual general membership assembly where NEA had proposed to raise the required membership attendance from 5% to 20%.

Filoteo and Quetua clarified that the previously organized Multi-Sectoral Electrification Advisory Council (MSEAC) is a distinct organization with a distinct purpose and objective. The organized Barangay Power Associations (BAPAs), on the other hand, could be a good medium to jump-start the implementation.

Before the activity ended, the participating ECs presented their outputs with respect to the timeline of implementation and the proposed livelihood activity for the sustainability of the program, among others.

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