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Line rehab commences as Urduja left power lines damaged; BILECO remains isolated

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BILECO has started today the line rehabilitation activities after tropical storm Urduja left extensive damage to properties, farmlands, infrastructures and facilities, including power lines.

More than a hundred electric poles were reported toppled or damaged. Initial damage cost of primary lines is pegged at P11 million as of December 18.

Earlier today, the management held an emergency meeting to determine immediate actions and conceivable measures while BILECO remained isolated due to impassable roads and bridges. Oledan stressed that the key problem is mobilization. Mobility of personnel and vehicles is limited due to damaged Catmon and Caraycaray bridges which could possibly delay restoration efforts.

GM Oledan asked assistance from Leyeco 5 to augment in the rehabilitation in areas not accessible by BILECO equipment and manpower. However, they too are hindered by impassable Leyte roads.

The GM is resolute, however, to employ all necessary means to restore power in all towns as soon as possible. As a protocol, towns will be energized first one after the other. Barangays and sitios will come next.

Today, the Board passed resolutions to avail calamity loan from NEA and approve emergency purchase of rehabilitation materials after the provincial government declared Biliran under state of calamity.

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