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BILECO PSB conducts first ever virtual interview with applicants for Occupational Health Nurse position

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As part of its new normal plan, the coop successfully conducted its first ever online interview with occupational health nurse applicants. Four aspiring nurses were subjected to panel interview through Zoom conference on 29 January 2021.

The Personnel Selection Board, chaired by Internal Auditor Maureen D. Nierra and members ISDM Allan Joseph S. Borrinaga, HRAS Michael M. Gabing, Acting Union President Albert B. Pitao and IT staff, Dobbie N. Ebina as Associates’ Representative, did the interview following the prescribed process on personnel selection and hiring. Considering that BILECO is categorized as high risk in terms of work hazards, the applicants were perused as to what health programs they can propose for the benefit of the cooperative and its employees if given the chance to be hired. All applicants responded with concrete answers.

Hiring a company nurse is an integral part for the roll out of the Occupational Safety & Health programs of the coop and the implementation of its CoViD-19 management operational guidelines. It has always been the ultimate thrust of the cooperative to provide a safe working environment for its dedicated and hardworking workforce, where health and safety are the premium priority especially during this time of pandemic.


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