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BILECO prepares for TD Samuel

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BILECO personnel were convened this morning at the main office for the final briefing on emergency preparedness and power restoration protocol in preparation for tropical depression #SamuelPH.

GM Gerardo Oledan, who spearheaded the briefing, reminded the technical and line personnel to be mindful of their functions and responsibilities.

“Typhoon is not something new to us but we need not to be complacent. Our goal is to restore back power as soon as possible with zero casualty,” Oledan emphasized.

Oledan recalled the difficult times during typhoon Urduja in December last year where restoration efforts were partly paralyzed due to damaged bridges. Learning from that lesson, Oledan instructed the technical personnel to situate its logistics in strategic locations throughout the area coverage for accessibility and immediate response if needed.

TSD Manager, Carlitus Caesar Casinillo, discussed and presented the hazard map of the province of Biliran, the emergency preparedness, restoration protocol and the functions of each member of the emergency restoration team based on the approved emergency restoration plan.

Oledan also advised the institutional services to send typhoon preparedness advisories to its member-consumers and coordinate with local agencies including the barangay electricians for possible augmentation during power restoration.

As of 8:00 AM today, tropical storm Signal No. 1 is raised in Biliran.


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