BILECO personnel wears black on valentines day

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BILECO joined the rest of electric cooperatives in the country in celebrating the black valentines day protest against the Department of Energy dubbed “Wear Black to Fight Back”. A simultaneous protest for the condemnation of injustices and unfair treatment to ECs by the DOE because of its baseless recommendation for the revocation of franchise of 17 electric cooperatives and the opposition for the approval of House Bill 8179 exclusively granting franchise to Solar Para sa Bayan.

For electric cooperatives are continuously improving and innovating for the progress of our country which redound for a sustainable electrification, as such all of its efforts must be predicated with unconditional support to endure the challenges it is facing to grow and flourish.

Electric cooperatives are not backing down. Electric cooperatives are standing its grounds. Let us continue promote our cause for a sustainable electrification. Our kind of way of Valentine’s celebration. And it is with a cause.


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