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BILECO holds workshop on values enhancement, workforce renewal

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BILECO held a two-day seminar workshop on values enhancement and workforce renewal to its employees held at the VRC Resort, Talahid, Almeria with former General Manager of Leyeco 5, Mr. Jovenal Alesna, as the resource speaker.

Anchored on the theme “Motivating people to care,” the seminar aimed to help participants understand the importance of personality development and how certain values create a ripple that affects oneself, the organization and the community.

The seminar also became an avenue for the participants to assess themselves as to how they behave physically, emotionally, mentally, morally and spiritually. They were made to self-reflect if their personal values are aligned with the values imbibed by the Cooperative as it lay the very foundation of the Cooperative’s success.

Engr. Gerardo N. Oledan, General Manager, said during his inspirational message, the importance of unity and cooperation among all employees in all programs of BILECO adding that each employee’s contribution is vital on the Coop’s success.

FGM Alesna also educated the participants how to achieve financial freedom through proper financial management, savings, investments and to adopt a simple lifestyle.

At the end of the seminar, each batch say their batch pledge of commitment as a symbol of renewal, dedicating to develop relationship to self, to others, to community and to God. The copy of the pledge shall be furnished to the management and the Board of Directors.

The seminar was scheduled and divided into two batches – the first batch dubbed ‘Batch Transformation 36’ was held last November 14 to 15 while the second batch dubbed ‘Batch Neo-Connectivity 38’ was on November 16 to 17.


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