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BILECO holds Q1 MSEAC meeting

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BILECO held its first quarter meeting of the Multi-Sectoral Electrification Advisory Council (MSEAC) today, April 13, at the BILECO multipurpose building.

One of the agenda discussed during the meeting was the holding of the 31st Annual General Membership Assembly (AGMA) meeting on May 26. BILECO has solicited suggestions and recommendations from the body to correct the lapses or to improve the processes during the previous AGMA especially on the free transportation scheme. Likewise, new strategies were suggested to effectively obtain the required attendance for the assembly. The body also propose possible agenda to be tackled during the assembly.

The participants were also informed on the thrust of NEA on MCO empowerment. During the previous meeting in 2017, the MSEAC were briefed on the need and the importance to organize member-consumer-owners organizations in every barangay and district. Today, with the presence of the Board, proposals on livelihood program were considered and even proposed as one of the agenda during the AGMA.

BILECO has also presented to the body the Enhanced EC Overall Performance Assessment Criteria under NEA Memorandum No. 2018-005, wherein new criteria were added. This will determine the categorization or rating of the Coop through its performance for the year. The MSEAC were made to realize that the performance of the Coop will also depend on the members’ active involvement to EC affairs and programs and also adherence to Coop policies. The said assessment shall be in effect for the performance year 2018.

Present during the meeting were the GM and the members of the Board of Directors who also shared insights and commitment to support the future undertakings of the MSEAC.

MSEAC is a Coop-organized member-consumers representing ten different sectors in every district.

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