You are currently viewing BILECO donated electric wall fans, masks and alcohol disinfectants to Almeria quarantine facilities and public high school

BILECO donated electric wall fans, masks and alcohol disinfectants to Almeria quarantine facilities and public high school

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BILECO, represented by Almeria District Representative, Dir. Alberto R. Espregante and NEA Representative to the Board, Dir. Dino S. Peñaflor with Internal Auditor Maureen D. Nierra, turned over the donated items at Villa Abrea Housing and Almeria National High School on September 28, 2020.

The wall fans were gladly accepted by Almeria Mayor Richard D. Jaguros which shall be installed in the quarantine facilities in the district. Masks and alcohol disinfectants were also given to Almeria National High School thru Principal Mario V. Jamin.

The said donation is an initiative of the BILECO Board of Directors to benefit all the districts within BILECO’s franchise and to aid our frontliners and healthworkers in the battle against the CoViD-19 pandemic.

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