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BILECO conducts visit to NGCP facilities

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Some BILECO personnel spearheaded by its department managers conducted a facility visit to the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) in Milagro, Ormoc City on January 19, 2017.

The purpose of the visit was to be able to get oriented and see the actual operation of NGCP, being the entity responsible in running the grid and maintaining the country’s power transmission system.

NGCP officials informed BILECO of its crucial role of linking power generators and distribution utilities to deliver electricity where it is most needed. It acts as System Operator that balances the supply and demand of power to maintain the quality of electricity that flows through the grid.

When asked about unscheduled power outages, NGCP responded that reliability of power is the company’s primary concern so it closely monitors the grid and immediately responds to any system disturbance. However, response and restoration time remains a challenge keeping BILECO, which is geographically situated at the load end, always at the mercy of NGCP. They also informed BILECO that power interruption cannot be avoided due to natural and human interventions.

BILECO personnel were toured to NGCP key facilities like the control tower, the Ormoc substation, and the Ormoc Converter Station where alternating current is converted to direct current going to Luzon via a submarine cable.

NGCP in Region 8 operates nine substations.

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