Payment of Power Bills
We would like to inform our member-consumers of the following payment centers and third party…
We would like to inform our member-consumers of the following payment centers and third party…
In line with the National Greening Program, BILECO personnel, in coordination with PENRO-Biliran and CUFA,…
The BILECO basketball team had defended the most-coveted championship title after clutching it back-to-back in…
In line with the National Electrification Awareness Month (NEAM) celebration, BILECO held an energy forum…
The entry of the Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trade, ‘Liwanag,’ emerged victorious after…
Nineteen junior high schools around the province of Biliran joined and competed in the division-wide…
In observance to Philippine Environment Month, BILECO conducted an estero cleanup in Sambulawan Creek, Caraycaray,…
As part of its Coop-Union day celebration, BILECO conducted a feeding activity in Sitio Manugsok,…
The National Electrification Administration, through Office Order No. 2017-029, has appointed Dino S. Peñaflor as…
BILECO has officially displayed its new corporate signage last February 6 incorporating the logo and…