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BILECO, TESDA conducts NC II training for barangay electricians

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BILECO in coordination with Technical Education and Skills Development Authority-Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trade (TESDA-CNSAT) conducted an Electrical Installation of CCTV and Fire Detection and Alarm System Training held at the Solidarity Hall, 2nd Floor Main Office Building of BILECO on November 7 to 11, 2022.

As part of its assistance, BILECO paid for the assessment fee of around 40 electricians who attended and joined the training. Most of them came from the BILECO League of Accredited and Skilled Electricians (BLAZE) with expired NC II, while some are BSIT alumni from BiPSU who majored in electricity and recently graduated last September 2022. The training was led by TESDA instructors, Engr. Henry D. Veraque and Zaldy C. Sanico.

TESDA National Certificate II is one of the requirements to be submitted by electricians to BILECO to become one of the accredited electricians of the coop. The accreditation is made mandatory for all practicing electricians to ensure a safe and effective process in performing house wiring installations and in compliance to the standards set forth in the Philippine Electrical Code.

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