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BILECO holds two-day seminar-workshop on graphic design, desktop publishing

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BILECO has successfully conducted the 2-day seminar-workshop on graphic design and desktop publishing held on January 26 – 27, 2021, at the BILECO main office participated by mostly the CCSMO and ISD personnel.

The seminar aimed to hone the skills of the employees particularly those involved in information dissemination to become more effective in delivering information to its member-consumer-owners through print and digital media. This is part of the intensified effort of the cooperative to improve its info dissemination strategies especially on the sphere of print and social media which are relevant in promoting and establishing a brand.

On the first day, the participants were introduced to the basic elements, principles, and importance of graphic design and navigated on the different tools, functionalities and capabilities of Adobe Photoshop.

Desktop publishing was tackled on the second day. The participants learned tips and tricks on how to design a newsletter, brochure and other communication materials using Microsoft Publisher and Adobe InDesign.

It was highlighted during the seminar the importance of establishing a brand for the company which can partly be done through design of its marketing and promotional materials.

Overall, the seminar was an eye-opener to the participants that there are still a lot more to be done to be more effective in this area. The series of workshops prove that everything can be learned and taught if one has the will and determination to do it.

The participants were thankful of the opportunity to learn some new skills and are eager to apply the same in the workplace.

The ISD Manager Mr. Allan Joseph Borrinaga, the resource speaker, initiated the holding of the seminar who believed the Coop must continue to invest on its human resource through proper trainings in order to become contributory in achieving the organization’s goals and objectives. He is set to conduct more seminars and workshops for the employees this year.


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